"Logo Bachs Oboe"

Bachs Oboe

A library of J.S.Bachs music for oboe

BWV 12 Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen

Cantata for the Sunday Jubilate

Complete score
Oboe Kammerton
Violin 1
Violin 2
Viola 1
Viola 2

Bach composed this cantata for the sunday Jubilate on 22nd of April 1714 in Weimar. He wrote it after his promotion as concertmaster on the Weimar court on a text from Salomon Franck. He performed it again on 30th of April 1724 in Leipzig and liked it so much that he took the music from the first choir for the “Crucifixus” of his b-minor mass (BWV 232) in the last decade of his life.

The score has the first movement, a beautiful sinfonia where the oboe performs a solo over the strings. Maybe it is the slow movement from a lost instrumental concert (Bach even writes “Concerto” as its title). The other part in the scores is the aria “Kreuz und Krone sind verbunden” for alto, oboe obligato and basso continuo.

Epistle: 1 Peter 2, 11-20
Gospel: John 16, 16-23

Bach cantatas website
Cantata text
Facsimile bach-digital.de
Facsimile (singers) bach-digital.de

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