Cantata for the 18th Sunday after Trinity
Complete score
Oboe 1
Oboe 2
Violin 1
Violin 2
„Herr Christ der ein’ge Gottessohn“ is a choralcantata on Elisabeth Creutzingers song with the same name. The cantata belongs to Bachs 2nd cantata cycle of chorale cantatas. Bach performed it for the first time on 8th of october 1724.
The scores have the 5th movement, an aria for bass, two oboes, strings and basso continuo. It is based on Bachs autograph and the articulations on the facsimile parts.
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 1, 4-8
Gospel: Matthew 22, 34-46
Bach cantatas website
Cantata text
Facsimile parts